Monthly mean carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere globally averaged over marine surface sites, corrected for the average seasonal cycle*

2-3% of the global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the use of fossil fuels in the maritime sector!

SES – HyDepot is developing the key technology for operating large scale vessels by means of CO₂-emission-free generated hydrogen. By this system most of the climate and health-damaging emissions from the maritime sector could be avoided.

* Ed Dlugokencky and Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (


2021 HyDepot GmbH is founded as an independent company to develop hydrogen storage systems.
2018-2021 The sole proprietor enterprise SES-HyDepot e.U. was the initiator and a project partner of the HyMethShip project, which was co-financed by the European Commission and in which renowned partners from the shipbuilding and motor construction industries are participating. The project aimed to realize an approx. 1 MW demonstrator plant. SES-HyDepot e.U. was responsible for the development of the process technology.
2017 The sole proprietor enterprise SES-HyDepot e.U. received a pre-speed grant from the Austrian Wirtschaftsservice (AWS) to build a first prototype of its patented technology.

Our Mission

The space and energy-efficient, large scale storage of hydrogen, independently of location, is currently still a fundamental problem for the far-reaching changeover of the current energy system towards fluctuating renewable energy sources (wind and solar power). By the development of a hydrogen storage system, SES intends to overcome this fundamental problem.

By this storage system, SES - HyDepot will open the possibility to ship operators and the society to run also large scale vessels with high energy consumption on renewable energy and thereby to avoid the emissions of different pollutants*.

*Carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, particular matters, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide

Our Process

The process developed and patented by SES - HyDepot allows to store hydrogen space efficiently in the form of methanol. The high energy efficiency of this process is based inter alia on the fact, that the carbon dioxide, generated during the release of hydrogen, is stored within the process and can therefore be used for the synthesis of new methanol.

Contact us!

** = The protection and security of your personal information is important to us. Under privacy policy at the bottom right of the page, read the scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data collected when using this website.

Please calculate 2 plus 7.

Tiergartenstraße 27
6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA

+43 (0)699 10 77 66 33

Our project partners

  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Colibri-bv
  • Exmar Marine
  • Fraunhofer IKTS
  • Graz University of Technology
  • INNIO Jenbacher
  • Large Engines Competence Center
  • Llyod's Register
  • MEYER Werft
  • MUW Screentec
  • SSPA Sweden